Time-lapse movie monitoring GFP-VHL inclusions at 15 min intervals in logarithmically growing ubp2Δ cells.
Suresh et al. Movie S1.aviTime-lapse movie monitoring GFP-VHL inclusions at 15 min intervals in logarithmically growing ubp14Δ cells.
Suresh et al. Movie S2.aviTime-lapse movie monitoring GFP-VHL inclusions at 15 min intervals in logarithmically growing ubp2Δ ubp14Δ cells.
Suresh et al. Movie S3.aviDifferentially ubiquitylated proteome as determined by Lys-ℇ-Gly-Gly (diGly) proteomics.
Suresh et al. Table S1.xlsxList of UPS array strains used for the loss of function suppressor screen of ubp2Δ ubp14Δ double mutant cells.
Suresh et al. Table S2.xlsxComparison of cellular factors forming inclusions in ubp2Δ ubp14Δ double mutant with those reported in the literature survey.
Suresh et al. Table S3.xlsxRpb1-ChIP Seq results in indicated wild type and DUB mutants.
Suresh et al. Table S4.xlsxList of plasmids, yeast strains, and primers used in this study.
Suresh et al. Table S5.xlsx