Standard name
Human Ortholog
Description Thiamine-phosphate diphosphorylase and hydroxyethylthiazole kinase; required for thiamine biosynthesis; GFP-fusion protein localizes to the cytoplasm in a punctate pattern


ensLOC DeepLoc
Localization WT1 WT2 WT3 RAP60 RAP140 RAP220 RAP300 RAP380 RAP460 RAP540 RAP620 RAP700 HU80 HU120 HU160 rpd3Δ_1 rpd3Δ_2 rpd3Δ_3 WT1 WT2 WT3 AF100 AF140 AF180
Cortical Patches 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Bud 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Bud Neck 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Bud Site 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Cell Periphery 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Cytoplasm 0.94 0.97 0.96 0.95 0.92 0.78 0.76 0.69 0.67 0.63 0.63 0.55 0.99 1.0 0.99 0.91 0.93 0.89 0.65 0.85 0.73 0.87 0.85 0.72
Endoplasmic Reticulum 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.06 0.06 0.07 0.06 0 0 0 0 0
Endosome 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Golgi 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Mitochondria 0 0 0 0.07 0.11 0.43 0.42 0.39 0.5 0.53 0.52 0.58 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.14 0.06 0.15 0 0.05 0.09
Nucleus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Nuclear Periphery 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Nucleolus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Peroxisomes 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
SpindlePole 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Vac/Vac Membrane 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.06 0 0.06 0 0.05 0 0 0 0.07 0.13 0.06 0.05 0 0 0 0 0.06
ensLOC DeepLoc
Localization WT1 WT2 WT3 RAP60 RAP140 RAP220 RAP300 RAP380 RAP460 RAP540 RAP620 RAP700 HU80 HU120 HU160 rpd3Δ_1 rpd3Δ_2 rpd3Δ_3 WT1 WT2 WT3 AF100 AF140 AF180
Cortical Patches 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 2 7 0 2 1
Bud 1 1 2 3 1 6 4 5 9 14 7 7 0 0 0 2 1 1 4 3 3 0 3 2
Bud Neck 3 0 0 1 0 2 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 2
Bud Site 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Cell Periphery 4 1 1 2 4 5 1 3 4 7 2 6 0 1 0 7 8 5 1 1 2 0 0 0
Cytoplasm 218 270 340 243 249 296 348 343 283 307 133 123 149 220 184 304 235 213 173 240 249 84 160 84
Endoplasmic Reticulum 0 1 1 1 0 5 2 10 7 3 5 5 0 1 1 21 14 17 15 0 3 0 2 1
Endosome 3 0 3 1 3 2 0 6 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 9 3 4 3 2 4 0 0 1
Golgi 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 2 0
Mitochondria 6 6 14 19 29 162 193 197 211 258 110 128 0 4 2 14 3 10 37 18 52 3 10 10
Nucleus 1 0 0 1 0 1 4 3 2 2 1 1 1 0 0 0 2 2 0 0 0 0 1 0
Nuclear Periphery 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 2 1 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Nucleolus 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
Peroxisomes 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0
SpindlePole 3 1 0 1 1 0 2 3 1 3 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 3 3 6 0 0 1
Vac/Vac Membrane 4 1 0 2 4 10 9 32 14 29 5 11 1 0 0 22 32 15 14 4 4 0 1 7
Unique Cell Count 232 277 353 256 271 380 459 499 425 486 210 222 151 221 185 334 254 238 268 284 342 97 190 118
Labelled Cell Count 244 282 363 275 294 490 564 605 534 631 265 283 151 226 187 381 299 269 268 284 342 97 190 118

Cytoplasm, Punctate Nuclear

(Huh et al. Nature 2003 425:686)
Screen WT1 WT2 WT3 RAP60 RAP140 RAP220 RAP300 RAP380 RAP460 RAP540 RAP620 RAP700 HU80 HU120 HU160 rpd3Δ_1 rpd3Δ_2 rpd3Δ_3 AF100 AF140 AF180
Mean Cell GFP Intensity (1e-4) 3.7 4.0 3.8 3.9 4.3 3.9 3.7 4.4 4.4 4.3 4.4 4.7 4.6 4.6 4.8 6.6 7.6 7.4 4.0 4.5 5.3
Std Deviation (1e-4) 1.0 0.9 1.2 1.5 1.4 1.5 1.2 1.3 1.7 1.4 1.7 1.6 1.9 1.9 2.0 1.9 2.1 2.4 1.6 2.3 2.1
Intensity Change (Log2) 0.01 0.17 0.02 -0.06 0.21 0.22 0.16 0.2 0.3 0.26 0.28 0.34 0.79 0.99 0.96 0.06 0.23 0.47

Localization RAP60 RAP140 RAP220 RAP300 RAP380 RAP460 RAP540 RAP620 RAP700 HU80 HU120 HU160 rpd3Δ_1 rpd3Δ_2 rpd3Δ_3
Bud 0 0 0
Bud Neck 0 0 0
Bud Site 0 0 0
Cell Periphery 0 0 0
Endoplasmic Reticulum 0 0 0
Endosome 0 0 0
Golgi 0 0 0
Mitochondria 0 0 0
Nuclear Periphery 0 0 0
Nucleolus 0 0 0
Peroxisomes 0 0 0
SpindlePole 0 0 0
Cortical Patches 0 0 0
Cytoplasm 0 0 0
Nucleus 0 0 0
Vacuole 4.9 6.9 4.8


Circle plot not available

Protein Concentration and Protein Localization Data

R1 R2 R3
G1 Pre-START G1 Post-START S/G2 Metaphase Anaphase Telophase G1 Pre-START G1 Post-START S/G2 Metaphase Anaphase Telophase G1 Pre-START G1 Post-START S/G2 Metaphase Anaphase Telophase
Concentration 0.4004 0.1406 0.3328 -0.0718 0.387 0.0964 1.1333 1.5088 1.1912 0.9135 1.1146 1.2195 1.7292 1.8692 2.0383 1.6883 1.351 1.9172
Actin 0.0028 0.0004 0.0215 0.0682 0.0003 0.0004 0.0213 0.001 0.0041 0.0003 0.0014 0.001 0.009 0.0032 0.0149 0.0012 0 0.0002
Bud 0.0091 0.0006 0.0012 0.0016 0 0.0001 0.0012 0.0006 0.0003 0.0001 0.0001 0.002 0.0011 0.0003 0.0002 0.0002 0.0001 0
Bud Neck 0.0192 0.0015 0.0034 0.0003 0.0001 0.0012 0.0015 0.0003 0.0003 0 0.0001 0.0006 0.0004 0.0003 0.0017 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001
Bud Periphery 0.0319 0.0008 0.0031 0.0018 0 0.0002 0.0032 0.001 0.0014 0.0001 0.0001 0.0032 0.0025 0.0008 0.0002 0.0003 0.0001 0
Bud Site 0.006 0.0328 0.0195 0.0132 0 0.0001 0.0058 0.0059 0.0013 0 0.0012 0.0002 0.0013 0.0206 0.0103 0.0002 0.0002 0
Cell Periphery 0.0036 0.0006 0.0018 0.0002 0 0.0001 0.0003 0.0002 0.0004 0 0 0.0002 0.0003 0.0027 0.0002 0.0001 0 0
Cytoplasm 0.0926 0.1595 0.1114 0.0776 0.1777 0.1506 0.0151 0.0249 0.025 0.0256 0.0258 0.0647 0.0206 0.1792 0.09 0.0385 0.0926 0.0688
Cytoplasmic Foci 0.0061 0.004 0.0092 0.0044 0.0027 0.027 0.0232 0.0106 0.0089 0.0011 0.0151 0.009 0.0109 0.0027 0.0141 0.0027 0.0092 0.0015
Eisosomes 0.0002 0.0001 0.0013 0.0001 0.0002 0.0001 0.0009 0.0004 0.0004 0.0002 0.0001 0.0001 0.0007 0.0006 0.0002 0 0 0.0001
Endoplasmic Reticulum 0.0067 0.0016 0.0031 0.0009 0.0003 0.001 0.0013 0.0004 0.0028 0.0003 0.0004 0.0006 0.0041 0.0011 0.0013 0.0009 0.0014 0.0003
Endosome 0.0106 0.0008 0.0029 0.0009 0.0005 0.0099 0.0131 0.0007 0.0198 0.0002 0.0463 0.0025 0.0545 0.0005 0.0048 0.0405 0.046 0.0011
Golgi 0.0007 0.0002 0.0016 0.0014 0.0001 0.0015 0.0047 0.0009 0.0034 0 0.0204 0.0037 0.0049 0.0003 0.006 0.0368 0.0004 0.0019
Lipid Particles 0.0006 0.0003 0.0102 0.0005 0.0002 0.0035 0.0175 0.002 0.0036 0.0001 0.0102 0.0005 0.0087 0.0002 0.0072 0.0002 0.0001 0.0008
Mitochondria 0.0035 0.0002 0.0059 0.0007 0.0005 0.002 0.0089 0.0014 0.0027 0.0002 0.0055 0.0005 0.0093 0.0008 0.0011 0.0397 0.0005 0.0158
None 0.6386 0.7937 0.7802 0.8259 0.815 0.7971 0.8212 0.9313 0.9103 0.9695 0.8314 0.9063 0.8171 0.7852 0.8281 0.8358 0.8136 0.9078
Nuclear Periphery 0.0208 0.0004 0.0009 0.0003 0.0003 0.0003 0.0035 0.0001 0.0023 0.0005 0.0003 0.0003 0.0085 0.0002 0.0003 0.0002 0.0011 0.0001
Nucleolus 0.003 0.0002 0.0088 0.0001 0.0002 0.0001 0.0015 0.0002 0.0006 0.0001 0.0002 0.0001 0.0029 0.0001 0.0006 0 0.0002 0
Nucleus 0.1096 0.0009 0.0028 0.0003 0.0005 0.0004 0.0017 0.0004 0.0005 0.0005 0.0004 0.0005 0.0041 0.0003 0.0004 0.0001 0.002 0.0001
Peroxisomes 0.0004 0.0002 0.0043 0.0007 0.0002 0.0012 0.0403 0.0165 0.0037 0.0001 0.0299 0.001 0.0042 0.0001 0.0174 0.0001 0.0001 0.0011
Punctate Nuclear 0.0038 0.0007 0.0027 0.0004 0.0008 0.0007 0.0122 0.0011 0.0016 0.0009 0.0004 0.0021 0.016 0.0001 0.0005 0.0001 0.0002 0.0001
Vacuole 0.0249 0.0006 0.0037 0.0004 0.0002 0.0021 0.0011 0.0002 0.0055 0.0002 0.0098 0.0007 0.0136 0.0005 0.0006 0.0011 0.0283 0.0001
Vacuole Periphery 0.0054 0.0001 0.0005 0.0001 0.0001 0.0004 0.0005 0 0.001 0 0.0008 0.0001 0.0054 0 0.0001 0.0014 0.0038 0.0001

Sequencing Data

R1 R2
G1 Post-START S/G2 Metaphase Anaphase Telophase G1 Post-START S/G2 Metaphase Anaphase Telophase
Gene Expression 14.277 14.586 11.2744 15.5141 14.5441 16.3075 17.974 16.5897 17.2111 15.7228
Translational Efficiency 0.4791 0.5338 0.7239 0.5331 0.4863 0.6445 0.7453 0.7343 0.625 0.6156

Hit Data

Dataset Hit
Protein Concentration
Protein Localization
Gene Expression
Translational Efficiency


Cell Count

R1 R2 R1 & R2
1124 1506 82 1329 1879 1813 184 130 3003 3319 266 1459

Protein Abundance

R1 R2 R1 & R2
Mean 627.01 649.17 4550.58 823.18 676.42 719.98 1000.53 918.61 657.93 687.85 2094.91 831.68
Standard Deviation 66.40 87.83 1437.92 130.41 78.99 97.35 226.26 138.15 78.27 99.60 1833.09 133.91
Intensity Change Log 2 0.050108 2.859490 0.392719 0.090038 0.564773 0.441533 0.070967 2.090463 0.418258

Localization Score (DeepLoc)

R1 R2 R1 & R2
Actin 0.000193 0.000352 0.000407 0.001618 0.000277 0.000576 0.000410 0.000455 0.000245 0.000475 0.000409 0.001515
Bud Neck 0.017428 0.046418 0.008595 0.011044 0.014843 0.051595 0.001824 0.001841 0.015810 0.049246 0.003911 0.010224
Bud Site 0.005990 0.015730 0.009696 0.037681 0.003074 0.024153 0.008045 0.054342 0.004165 0.020331 0.008554 0.039166
Cell Periphery 0.000178 0.000132 0.009726 0.000197 0.000110 0.000208 0.000443 0.000107 0.000135 0.000173 0.003305 0.000189
Cytoplasm 0.498801* 0.355561* 0.502427* 0.492970* 0.486482* 0.350855* 0.429210* 0.583537* 0.491093* 0.352990* 0.451781* 0.501040*
Cytoplasmic Foci 0.248845* 0.249376* 0.069936 0.020978 0.228703* 0.302561* 0.042858 0.006655 0.236242* 0.278428* 0.051206 0.019702
Eisosomes 0.000212 0.000134 0.000007 0.000047 0.000146 0.000195 0.000091 0.000027 0.000170 0.000167 0.000065 0.000045
Endoplasmic Reticulum 0.000944 0.001002 0.000206 0.001807 0.000749 0.000644 0.003588 0.001225 0.000822 0.000806 0.002545 0.001755
Endosome 0.012665 0.037024 0.003362 0.003803 0.008510 0.032250 0.007314 0.005977 0.010065 0.034416 0.006095 0.003997
Golgi 0.002031 0.006353 0.045570 0.000684 0.001871 0.008859 0.003748 0.000398 0.001931 0.007722 0.016640 0.000658
Lipid Particles 0.012410 0.011343 0.015807 0.001172 0.009069 0.008940 0.004433 0.002913 0.010319 0.010031 0.007939 0.001327
Mitochondria 0.004888 0.022186 0.000264 0.003419 0.003501 0.021357 0.000175 0.000379 0.004020 0.021733 0.000203 0.003148
Mitotic Spindle 0.000151 0.005720 0.017882 0.027942 0.001096 0.011519 0.001817 0.015529 0.000742 0.008887 0.006769 0.026836
None 0.005002 0.004938 0.001516 0.010673 0.002717 0.001988 0.002282 0.013750 0.003572 0.003327 0.002046 0.010947
Nuclear Periphery 0.000442 0.000995 0.002227 0.001365 0.000491 0.000266 0.001260 0.000835 0.000472 0.000597 0.001558 0.001318
Nuclear Periphery Foci 0.000294 0.000431 0.016083 0.000909 0.000238 0.000332 0.006423 0.001144 0.000259 0.000377 0.009401 0.000930
Nucleolus 0.001620 0.003679 0.000220 0.000526 0.000857 0.001406 0.000462 0.000298 0.001142 0.002437 0.000387 0.000505
Nucleus 0.133159* 0.111533 0.063253 0.284321* 0.189832* 0.076703 0.295952* 0.185934* 0.168620* 0.092507 0.224218* 0.275554*
Peroxisomes 0.005435 0.017896 0.000071 0.002329 0.005323 0.024183 0.000407 0.000286 0.005365 0.021331 0.000303 0.002147
Vacuole 0.047990 0.104963 0.208064* 0.095152 0.041469 0.078378 0.188846 0.118887 0.043910 0.090441 0.194771 0.097266
Vacuole Periphery 0.001323 0.004233 0.024683 0.001364 0.000643 0.003034 0.000412 0.005481 0.000898 0.003578 0.007894 0.001731

Localization Changes (T-score)

R1 R2 R1 & R2
Actin -1.48 -2.41 -2.20 -1.73 -1.11 -1.73 -0.96 -0.39 2.11 1.01 -2.05 -2.00 -2.05 -1.36 -1.40
Bud Neck -9.82 2.19 5.11 14.49 1.77 -13.98 12.34 7.92 18.27 -2.50 -17.21 9.65 6.66 21.35 -2.22
Bud Site -6.34 -2.25 -5.11 -1.34 -1.94 -12.81 -4.26 -2.33 1.03 -1.59 -14.51 -4.21 -6.51 0.50 -4.03
Cell Periphery 4.33 -6.77 2.20 -0.46 6.79 -2.33 -2.27 0.98 2.54 2.39 -1.57 -5.99 0.07 1.39 5.99
Cytoplasm 14.09 0.56 10.95 -2.73 2.83 15.30 6.04 4.76 -0.20 -0.04 20.67 5.23 12.63 -3.20 0.65
Cytoplasmic Foci -0.04 11.98 38.96 41.12 4.27 -9.88 31.29 41.53 49.74 5.43 -7.60 30.25 56.56 64.18 6.05
Eisosomes 4.87 13.51 9.96 12.16 -14.51 -4.67 3.86 9.17 12.55 3.43 0.43 10.05 14.81 18.08 2.07
Endoplasmic Reticulum -0.44 3.92 -10.39 -12.11 -18.37 0.88 -8.39 -5.98 -6.29 2.23 0.05 -7.01 -14.89 -15.76 -0.15
Endosome -10.97 7.23 10.22 17.19 1.23 -14.90 2.24 5.25 17.17 3.08 -18.42 5.88 12.98 25.89 4.88
Golgi -6.61 -6.63 7.52 9.79 6.94 -9.78 0.17 6.88 12.88 1.10 -11.74 -5.07 8.70 15.88 5.82
Lipid Particles 0.70 -1.55 8.38 11.33 4.86 0.13 6.70 3.65 3.52 0.62 0.36 1.56 13.43 14.70 5.70
Mitochondria -8.49 5.01 3.26 11.05 -2.61 -9.72 8.22 7.71 11.74 -3.12 -13.13 8.95 4.27 15.06 -2.90
Mitotic Spindle -5.15 -1.50 -7.43 -4.76 -0.41 -6.12 -0.57 -2.46 -0.73 -2.39 -7.64 -1.60 -7.49 -3.78 -3.38
None 0.11 3.55 -0.88 -1.12 -4.55 1.10 1.11 -3.94 -4.28 -4.28 0.41 3.12 -2.99 -3.41 -5.00
Nuclear Periphery -2.79 -4.49 -18.16 -7.26 -0.23 4.17 -9.57 -6.97 -7.87 -2.68 -1.33 -8.68 -20.88 -15.27 -3.66
Nuclear Periphery Foci -3.46 -7.93 -12.11 -9.03 7.42 -1.39 -7.71 -3.59 -3.25 4.79 -2.79 -10.50 -12.96 -9.35 9.21
Nucleolus -3.52 3.23 2.52 7.98 -2.64 -3.95 3.81 3.96 7.95 0.02 -5.13 4.43 3.18 9.28 -1.63
Nucleus 3.57 5.26 -22.83 -25.63 -19.69 21.97 -3.97 -1.63 -6.86 1.69 19.19 -2.76 -19.34 -30.24 -5.79
Peroxisomes -8.21 5.83 4.52 13.30 -2.12 -12.92 11.05 11.33 17.37 2.26 -15.36 11.50 7.97 20.46 -1.63
Vacuole -13.07 -6.57 -22.39 -13.06 0.51 -11.45 -12.36 -10.10 -8.78 -1.28 -17.71 -13.88 -25.65 -17.89 2.96
Vacuole Periphery -7.13 -4.83 2.69 8.62 5.02 -10.87 3.98 -0.43 2.06 -0.83 -12.46 -4.16 1.34 9.86 4.34