Standard name
Human Ortholog
Description Type 1 S/T protein phosphatase (PP1) catalytic subunit; involved in glycogen metabolism, sporulation and mitotic progression; interacts with multiple regulatory subunits; regulates actomyosin ring formation; subunit of CPF; recruited to mating projections by Afr1p interaction; regulates nucleocytoplasmic shuttling of Hxk2p; import into the nucleus is inhibited during spindle assembly checkpoint arrest; involved in dephosphorylating Rps6a/b and Bnr1p


ensLOC DeepLoc
Localization WT1 WT2 WT3 RAP60 RAP140 RAP220 RAP300 RAP380 RAP460 RAP540 RAP620 RAP700 HU80 HU120 HU160 rpd3Δ_1 rpd3Δ_2 rpd3Δ_3 WT1 WT2 WT3 AF100 AF140 AF180
Cortical Patches 0 0 0 0 0 0.05 0 0 0.11 0.08
Bud 0 0 0 0 0 0.09 0.05 0 0 0.13
Bud Neck 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.23 0
Bud Site 0 0 0 0
Cell Periphery 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Cytoplasm 0.16 0.3 0.25 0.39 0.17 0.08 0.41 0.44 0.26 0.15
Endoplasmic Reticulum 0.05 0 0 0 0.29 0.05 0.22 0 0.12 0.2
Endosome 0 0 0 0 0 0.08 0 0 0.06 0
Golgi 0.05 0.33 0.42 0.33 0 0 0 0 0 0.1
Mitochondria 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.1 0
Nucleus 0.05 0 0 0 0.05 0.13 0.1 0.24 0 0
Nuclear Periphery 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Nucleolus 0.22 0.06 0.06 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Peroxisomes 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
SpindlePole 0 0.05 0.06 0 0.12 0.2 0 0 0 0
Vac/Vac Membrane 0.51 0.27 0.34 0.22 0.1 0.18 0.14 0.13 0 0.13
ensLOC DeepLoc
Localization WT1 WT2 WT3 RAP60 RAP140 RAP220 RAP300 RAP380 RAP460 RAP540 RAP620 RAP700 HU80 HU120 HU160 rpd3Δ_1 rpd3Δ_2 rpd3Δ_3 WT1 WT2 WT3 AF100 AF140 AF180
Cortical Patches 0 12 2 4 1 6 0 0 0 1
Bud 0 3 1 0 0 10 0 0 0 3
Bud Neck 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 1
Bud Site 0 0 0 0
Cell Periphery 0 5 6 5 0 0 0 0 0 0
Cytoplasm 12 148 90 98 5 10 1 1 2 3
Endoplasmic Reticulum 4 21 7 11 8 5 0 0 1 4
Endosome 3 15 4 2 0 9 0 0 0 0
Golgi 4 162 148 81 0 1 0 0 0 2
Mitochondria 1 14 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
Nucleus 4 0 1 0 1 16 0 0 0 0
Nuclear Periphery 0 0 0 0 1 4 0 0 0 0
Nucleolus 17 29 20 10 0 5 0 0 0 0
Peroxisomes 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0
SpindlePole 2 25 22 7 3 25 0 0 0 0
Vac/Vac Membrane 39 131 119 56 3 21 0 0 0 3
Unique Cell Count 76 490 354 249 31 124 4 3 9 24
Labelled Cell Count 86 565 420 275 31 124 4 3 9 24

Cytoplasm, Nucleus, Punctate Nuclear

(Huh et al. Nature 2003 425:686)
Screen WT1 WT2 WT3 RAP60 RAP140 RAP220 RAP300 RAP380 RAP460 RAP540 RAP620 RAP700 HU80 HU120 HU160 rpd3Δ_1 rpd3Δ_2 rpd3Δ_3 AF100 AF140 AF180
Mean Cell GFP Intensity (1e-4) 27.2 27.4 31.4 32.4
Std Deviation (1e-4) 6.8 6.3 7.8 6.7
Intensity Change (Log2)

Localization RAP60 RAP140 RAP220 RAP300 RAP380 RAP460 RAP540 RAP620 RAP700 HU80 HU120 HU160 rpd3Δ_1 rpd3Δ_2 rpd3Δ_3
Bud Neck
Bud Site
Cell Periphery
Endoplasmic Reticulum
Nuclear Periphery
Cortical Patches


Circle plot not available

Protein Concentration and Protein Localization Data

R1 R2 R3
G1 Pre-START G1 Post-START S/G2 Metaphase Anaphase Telophase G1 Pre-START G1 Post-START S/G2 Metaphase Anaphase Telophase G1 Pre-START G1 Post-START S/G2 Metaphase Anaphase Telophase
Concentration 35.1231 51.8103 42.1289 44.3921 50.386 44.2456 34.7721 43.9227 42.8232 44.5877 43.6923 40.1673 33.5921 35.9382 35.3928 34.8946 33.286 33.7285
Actin 0.0235 0.002 0.0179 0.0022 0.001 0.0208 0.0219 0.0009 0.0092 0.0003 0.0009 0.0264 0.0008 0.0006 0.0035 0.0017 0.0014 0.0073
Bud 0.0009 0.0013 0.0011 0.0007 0.0002 0.0018 0.0012 0.0008 0.0013 0.0007 0.0002 0.0008 0.0004 0.0006 0.0006 0.0005 0.0002 0.0009
Bud Neck 0.0011 0.0026 0.0057 0.0021 0.0006 0.1085 0.0052 0.0047 0.0124 0.0025 0.005 0.0683 0.005 0.0028 0.0043 0.0042 0.0066 0.117
Bud Periphery 0.0011 0.0009 0.0017 0.0006 0.0001 0.003 0.0014 0.001 0.001 0.0005 0.0003 0.0021 0.0007 0.0006 0.001 0.0005 0.0003 0.0021
Bud Site 0.003 0.0071 0.004 0.0008 0.0002 0.0014 0.0326 0.0047 0.0047 0.0006 0.0003 0.0006 0.0016 0.0034 0.003 0.0009 0.0003 0.001
Cell Periphery 0.0008 0.0023 0.0046 0.0034 0.0002 0.0016 0.0052 0.005 0.0028 0.0012 0.0023 0.0056 0.0024 0.0029 0.0057 0.001 0.0003 0.0024
Cytoplasm 0.0499 0.0288 0.0508 0.0675 0.0196 0.0258 0.0775 0.033 0.0398 0.0467 0.0535 0.0323 0.0172 0.0295 0.01 0.0299 0.0435 0.0152
Cytoplasmic Foci 0.0596 0.0361 0.0395 0.0253 0.0464 0.0422 0.0082 0.0125 0.0141 0.0009 0.0009 0.0122 0.0164 0.0351 0.0212 0.0176 0.0439 0.0448
Eisosomes 0.0004 0.0001 0.0005 0.0003 0.0001 0.0002 0.0012 0.0001 0.0002 0 0.0001 0.0003 0.0001 0 0.0001 0.0001 0 0.0001
Endoplasmic Reticulum 0.0058 0.0012 0.0115 0.0095 0.0008 0.006 0.0069 0.0017 0.0013 0.0007 0.0074 0.0073 0.002 0.0013 0.0043 0.002 0.0035 0.0067
Endosome 0.0132 0.0024 0.0131 0.0093 0.0041 0.0098 0.0066 0.0009 0.0024 0.0023 0.007 0.0049 0.0031 0.0024 0.0038 0.0056 0.0044 0.0106
Golgi 0.0052 0.0007 0.0041 0.0008 0.0039 0.0042 0.0017 0.0003 0.0006 0.0001 0.0002 0.0021 0.0013 0.0007 0.0017 0.0069 0.0021 0.0049
Lipid Particles 0.0289 0.0153 0.0084 0.0222 0.0316 0.0303 0.0033 0.0098 0.011 0.0007 0.0005 0.0173 0.0173 0.0196 0.0307 0.0227 0.0381 0.0518
Mitochondria 0.0078 0.0016 0.0082 0.0043 0.0328 0.0032 0.0053 0.0006 0.0027 0.0003 0.0008 0.0039 0.0011 0.0005 0.001 0.0011 0.0004 0.001
None 0.0101 0.0006 0.0068 0.0065 0.0078 0.0038 0.0072 0.0003 0.0007 0.0003 0.0002 0.0009 0.0006 0.0003 0.0003 0.0004 0.0003 0.0004
Nuclear Periphery 0.0655 0.0264 0.0775 0.0786 0.1036 0.0759 0.0651 0.0424 0.0429 0.0334 0.094 0.091 0.101 0.0501 0.0988 0.1019 0.1397 0.0922
Nucleolus 0.1654 0.2943 0.189 0.2496 0.1239 0.1043 0.1846 0.2483 0.342 0.0888 0.1627 0.1253 0.1517 0.215 0.2419 0.1173 0.0391 0.1082
Nucleus 0.4053 0.4348 0.4541 0.427 0.4958 0.4096 0.4489 0.5536 0.4357 0.7811 0.5862 0.4326 0.563 0.4825 0.4529 0.476 0.4621 0.3492
Peroxisomes 0.0119 0.0004 0.0023 0.0004 0.0047 0.0014 0.0007 0.0002 0.0005 0 0 0.0003 0.0005 0.0003 0.0005 0.0004 0.0003 0.0011
Punctate Nuclear 0.1325 0.129 0.0764 0.0705 0.1174 0.1323 0.105 0.068 0.0614 0.0041 0.0644 0.1445 0.105 0.1373 0.0994 0.2045 0.2089 0.1701
Vacuole 0.0047 0.0107 0.0187 0.0121 0.0016 0.0103 0.0073 0.0101 0.0107 0.0255 0.0104 0.0177 0.0071 0.012 0.0125 0.0032 0.0031 0.0108
Vacuole Periphery 0.0034 0.0016 0.004 0.0063 0.0037 0.0038 0.0029 0.0011 0.0027 0.0095 0.0027 0.0037 0.0017 0.0025 0.0027 0.0014 0.0015 0.0023

Sequencing Data

R1 R2
G1 Post-START S/G2 Metaphase Anaphase Telophase G1 Post-START S/G2 Metaphase Anaphase Telophase
Gene Expression 125.1465 136.559 120.8197 164.1101 123.4074 95.1292 139.4023 160.9338 142.3801 144.3759
Translational Efficiency 2.1153 2.0117 1.933 1.2856 1.595 2.6344 2.1454 1.3056 1.5478 1.5561

Hit Data

Dataset Hit
Protein Concentration
Protein Localization
Gene Expression
Translational Efficiency


Cell Count

R1 R2 R1 & R2
1454 826 3182 81 782 1447 1457 71 2236 2273 4639 152

Protein Abundance

R1 R2 R1 & R2
Mean 2924.22 3088.37 4098.28 4936.19 3252.22 2984.15 3889.03 4638.85 3038.93 3022.02 4032.56 4797.30
Standard Deviation 851.64 995.07 1518.43 1839.47 795.18 922.59 1191.94 1487.96 846.90 950.89 1427.28 1690.95
Intensity Change Log 2 0.078794 0.486967 0.755346 -0.124105 0.257986 0.512342 -0.024480 0.370934 0.632503

Localization Score (DeepLoc)

R1 R2 R1 & R2
Actin 0.005374 0.003343 0.001825 0.006803 0.004764 0.004381 0.002524 0.005006 0.005161 0.004003 0.002045 0.005964
Bud Neck 0.304856* 0.221892* 0.254321* 0.142132 0.303458* 0.301037* 0.228761* 0.091375 0.304367* 0.272276* 0.246293* 0.118423
Bud Site 0.249826* 0.120138* 0.062943 0.208276* 0.137208* 0.167020* 0.110787* 0.290254* 0.210440* 0.149983* 0.077970 0.246568*
Cell Periphery 0.007942 0.002261 0.001041 0.034440 0.005296 0.003153 0.001172 0.006245 0.007017 0.002829 0.001082 0.021270
Cytoplasm 0.023252 0.030035 0.014980 0.059863 0.031565 0.033940 0.060150 0.023974 0.026159 0.032521 0.029167 0.043099
Cytoplasmic Foci 0.066801 0.090600 0.015399 0.206301* 0.078402 0.043096 0.022078 0.238156* 0.070858 0.060359 0.017497 0.221180*
Eisosomes 0.000785 0.000258 0.000088 0.001663 0.000810 0.000308 0.000092 0.000528 0.000794 0.000290 0.000089 0.001133
Endoplasmic Reticulum 0.011713 0.002172 0.006742 0.000559 0.005081 0.007669 0.002490 0.002708 0.009394 0.005672 0.005406 0.001563
Endosome 0.005160 0.003620 0.006694 0.023452 0.001646 0.005281 0.003660 0.011629 0.003931 0.004678 0.005741 0.017929
Golgi 0.000932 0.001942 0.000948 0.002265 0.000671 0.001023 0.000836 0.003115 0.000840 0.001357 0.000913 0.002662
Lipid Particles 0.009497 0.004820 0.001969 0.037133 0.003928 0.003716 0.001543 0.007011 0.007550 0.004117 0.001835 0.023063
Mitochondria 0.005937 0.006222 0.015922 0.001215 0.006176 0.006951 0.008365 0.009964 0.006021 0.006686 0.013549 0.005302
Mitotic Spindle 0.066294 0.054577 0.215406* 0.037571 0.021331 0.044788 0.155791* 0.111260* 0.050569 0.048346 0.196682* 0.071991
None 0.003618 0.005207 0.003345 0.001175 0.005134 0.006492 0.013962 0.000435 0.004148 0.006025 0.006680 0.000829
Nuclear Periphery 0.003262 0.003729 0.025114 0.008627 0.001968 0.005514 0.008224 0.012856 0.002809 0.004866 0.019809 0.010602
Nuclear Periphery Foci 0.035268 0.024172 0.023158 0.015203 0.015000 0.019002 0.006222 0.017617 0.028180 0.020881 0.017839 0.016331
Nucleolus 0.018517 0.075067 0.136212 0.017523 0.027746 0.036630 0.061349 0.023745 0.021745 0.050598 0.112699 0.020429
Nucleus 0.153723* 0.317695* 0.199201* 0.042359 0.326945* 0.288992* 0.291895* 0.023199 0.214304* 0.299422* 0.228314* 0.033409
Peroxisomes 0.005175 0.009489 0.002790 0.006233 0.003339 0.003629 0.002375 0.010908 0.004533 0.005759 0.002659 0.008417
Vacuole 0.020894 0.021280 0.009830 0.140534 0.018984 0.016082 0.016608 0.093394 0.020226 0.017971 0.011959 0.118515
Vacuole Periphery 0.001174 0.001482 0.002074 0.006673 0.000548 0.001294 0.001113 0.016621 0.000955 0.001363 0.001772 0.011320

Localization Changes (T-score)

R1 R2 R1 & R2
Actin 4.48 9.61 1.45 -0.74 -2.41 0.66 4.40 1.49 1.17 0.03 3.09 10.57 2.21 0.60 -1.66
Bud Neck 4.34 0.78 9.06 6.12 9.07 0.75 6.98 8.65 8.70 5.02 2.32 4.62 12.51 11.17 10.75
Bud Site 13.53 25.09* 2.34 -3.27 -5.72 -2.00 4.37 -1.93 -1.36 -3.13 9.77 23.60 0.73 -2.83 -6.41
Cell Periphery 9.17 11.87 -1.16 -2.27 -2.52 4.17 8.79 -0.53 -1.60 -2.48 9.43 14.25 -1.15 -2.61 -3.18
Cytoplasm -1.59 4.06 -1.85 -1.48 -2.44 -2.10 -4.69 0.58 1.81 3.50 -3.20 -0.29 -1.51 -0.62 -1.46
Cytoplasmic Foci -1.77 11.75 -4.51 -4.02 -6.35 6.32 9.69 -4.30 -6.04 -6.78 4.30 15.23 -6.37 -7.39 -9.28
Eisosomes 3.07 4.98 0.25 -1.38 -2.04 3.42 4.82 2.16 -0.30 -1.32 4.53 6.74 1.31 -1.37 -2.43
Endoplasmic Reticulum 9.59 5.59 11.23 7.16 14.82 -2.91 7.22 7.14 8.22 2.83 4.61 6.84 12.62 9.95 12.21
Endosome 3.66 -1.69 -0.42 -0.74 -0.28 -7.55 -0.12 -0.92 0.42 -0.90 -0.98 -2.05 -0.58 -0.47 -0.37
Golgi -3.59 -0.99 -0.40 1.39 -0.21 -1.20 -0.67 -1.53 -1.25 -1.43 -2.93 -1.30 -1.33 -0.30 -1.10
Lipid Particles 4.66 9.77 -2.93 -3.33 -3.55 0.78 2.15 -3.17 -3.31 -3.49 5.70 9.53 -3.81 -4.35 -4.59
Mitochondria -1.09 -17.17 9.90 10.51 27.94* -1.02 -3.97 2.20 2.50 3.32 -1.86 -17.45 5.01 5.85 13.30
Mitotic Spindle 0.06 -16.30 0.94 0.88 8.33 -2.45 -12.30 -3.03 -2.57 0.23 0.50 -20.47 -1.78 -1.94 5.04
None -1.63 0.39 2.14 3.59 2.31 -1.35 -4.15 0.56 1.24 2.69 -2.12 -2.74 1.32 2.49 2.64
Nuclear Periphery -0.96 -15.96 -0.18 0.09 7.16 -5.73 -7.22 -1.28 -0.19 0.15 -4.03 -17.24 -1.00 0.05 6.06
Nuclear Periphery Foci 4.02 5.43 6.04 2.71 2.98 0.40 6.60 3.05 2.89 -1.25 4.32 7.25 7.06 3.85 2.58
Nucleolus -8.41 -26.65* 2.69 8.62 20.81* -1.27 -4.99 0.57 1.05 2.54 -7.33 -24.99* 1.41 4.80 13.19
Nucleus -9.67 -3.74 4.79 10.39 6.64 -0.70 -2.61 12.44 14.44 16.20 -9.64 -3.80 10.77 17.12 13.85
Peroxisomes -2.52 3.28 1.68 3.26 0.31 0.34 2.61 -1.26 -1.35 -1.85 -1.02 3.97 0.08 0.58 -1.26
Vacuole -0.25 7.11 -6.85 -6.81 -7.32 -0.11 -7.92 -5.48 -5.47 -4.56 0.64 0.06 -8.72 -8.78 -8.73
Vacuole Periphery -1.06 -1.91 -0.64 -0.35 -0.10 -1.67 -4.60 -1.21 -1.04 -1.11 -1.11 -2.33 -1.33 -1.11 -0.90